For too long, Rhode Island has made it hard for its residents to vote.
Right now Rhode Island has the the most restrictive voter registration deadline in the country, blocking thousands of otherwise eligible residents from the ballot box.
We can change this! Now is the time for Rhode Island to have same day voter registration. Nothing will do more to increase voter turnout than same day voter registration. Not only will it bring more people into our democracy, it will help election officials keep the voter rolls up to date. It’s a win-win policy.
Our Goals
Our first goal was to pass the Let RI Vote Act. The law gives every Rhode Island voter equal access to in-person early voting and voting by mail. It was the most comprehensive modernization of Rhode Island elections in a generation.
Our next goal is same day voter registration H 7474. Passing this resolution will put a question to Rhode Island voters to amend the state constitution allowing for same day voter registration to all Rhode Islanders.
Take Action
You showed your support for expanding voter access in Rhode Island by signing a petition to members of the General Assembly calling for Same Day Registration.
About Us
The Let RI Vote for Same Day Registration campaign is a project of the Rhode Island Voting Access Coalition. The coalition is a collection of community groups and other organizations working to advance the cause of voting rights in Rhode Island. Organizations supporting this project include (not all organizations listed):

For press inquiries, please email us at letrivote [at]